Novel DQ's

Give a Boy a Gun by Todd Strasser
Novel Study Discussion Questions


1. There are many issues that can be discussed after reading Give a Boy a Gun. Which ones are most
important to you? List at least three issues and, in point form, write how you feel about each one.

2. Is Brendan dragging Gary into his plan? Is Gary realizing it? 

3. Did Ryan and Allison realize what Brendan and Gary was doing was wrong?

4. Do you think things would of been different if Ryan and Allison knew what was going to happen?

5. Why didn't Ryan or Allison tell anyone about what Gary and Brendan were saying? Did they try and stop it? 

6. Did you feel any emotions while reading this novel? If so, what?

7. Do Gary and Brendan seem like average students?

8. Obviously, Gary and Brendan had problems at school. Was violence their best option in dealing with their issues? What other options did they have?

9. Unquestionably, Brendan and Gary were tormented in school; however, it does appear that Brendan in particularly was somewhat out of control by the 9th grade. Can his attitude be totally blamed on the bullying?

10. Why were some students, such as the jocks, so cruel and intolerant of others?

11. Does the format of interviews, emails, and suicide notes add realism to the story?

12. Does the format of the book enhance or detract from the subject?

13. How true are the young adult voices in the novel? Are the voices of the characters realistic throughout?

14. Can you identify with any of the characters in the book? If so, who and why?

15. In the introduction, Denise Shipley states "violence comes in many forms - guns, fists, and words of hate and contempt." Can words be as hurtful as guns and fists?

16. In any school, who decides which students are cool or popular and which students are outcasts?

17. If it's so great to be one of the popular kids, why do you suppose they feel a need to harass others?

18. Before reading this book, what type of person did you think would commit this type of crime? Have your views changed since reading this novel?

19. Does the number of school shootings footnoted in the book surprise you?

20. What is the procedure at your school for an emergency situation such as an intruder or student with a weapon?

21. If another student told you that they wanted to commit a violent act for revenge on other students, what would you do?

22. Who would you go to for help if you thought you or someone else at the school was in danger?

23. In the real world, which are young adults influenced more by, their parents or their peers?

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